The Crafting English Prof…

Just another weblog

What a week!! 11 September 2010

Filed under: Ponderings — Rana Wilson @ 3:12 pm
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My, my, my, what a week it has been!  And you know, this week started out all sluggishly and stuff, what with the holiday and days off and really havin’ trouble getting back into the swing of things.  Some of my students really had a bit of a hard time; and I honestly can’t blame them… Long weekends are nice. But, that all worked out in the end.  And now, it is Saturday, September 11th, and we all have to remember the horrible events of 9 years ago. Not that we could forget.  I mean, come on–the first major attack on US soil in how many years?  Yeah, we’re not gonna forget that.  So, if you haven’t yet, take a few minutes today and think back. What were you doing that day?  Yeah, for my generation, this is like Kennedy’s assassination or the moon-landing for our parents’ generation–we all know where we were and exactly what we were doing when we heard the news.  And we’ll never forget.

Now, on to happier thoughts! And back to my week!  So, this was the last week of Beads-n-Blessings Art with Heart Viewer’s Choice contest, and I have awesome friends who helped me win that!!!  And I have to say, I am in some gorgeous (!!!!) company!  I mean look at those pieces!!!  I want the Twister necklace (well, really, I’d rather know how to make the Twister necklace myself…)  So hey, I have bragging rights now!  And as a friend pointed out to me yesterday, I am now an Award-Winning Artist (yeah, I have trouble really taking that seriously… LOL! after all, I’m still working on considering myself an artist!)

And, I managed to complete 3 projects this week!  The new phone case, the patchwork table, and another piece that I’m still waiting on it drying fully.  I’ll post pics and the story on that as soon as I get it all done.

And, I woke up today to learn that my little table has been featured on Creating the Hive!  How cool is that!!!!! And people like it !

Okay, yeah, I’m having a “They like me! They really like me!” drama moment here…

And I think I’ll just leave you with that.  Have a great day!



wowzers… I feel… lacking… 23 April 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Rana Wilson @ 5:05 pm
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Okay, not really, but wow… See, I consider myself very creative, very crafty, and something of an artist.  But, I can’t draw. To save my life… I cannot draw. Wait, I take that back.  I’m really REALLY good at stick figures.  You want a stick figure? I’m your girl… I’m an artist when it comes to working with paper, or beads.  and occasionally embroidery (well, cross stitch, but really, there I’m just following the pattern…) I always wished I could draw, though.  I wanted to be a great painter when I was a kid.

So, you may be wondering, why do I feel lacking now? What happened?  Well, I just watched this video, over at The Beader’s Muse That’s Cynthia Thornton, designer at Green Girl Studios, talking about inspiration and her book Enchanted Adornments. I love that she shows us her sketchbooks, because so often, those are a very private thing for a lot of creative people.  Here’s the problem for me: I WANNA DRAW LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!! whine!!!!!!!!!  Okay, sorry, done whining… But wowzers!  Okay, I a craft ideas, in which I “sketch.” But my sketching is to Thornton’s sketching what hot dogs are to Kobe beef (don’t get me wrong, I like hot dogs…) Thornton, besides being an accomplished jewelry designer, is a totally kick-ass artist.  I’m not exaggerating when I say I would probably buy her sketchbooks if she published them.  They’re beautiful. In fact, I just spent a bit of time playing on her website–beautiful work!

So yeah, I feel lacking… But hey! At least I feel lacking with someone who’s a very talented artist! So I got that going for me! LOL!