The Crafting English Prof…

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Bakin’ brownies… 4 July 2010

Filed under: Baking — Rana Wilson @ 4:11 pm
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The 2nd ever batch of Thin Mint brownies just came out of the oven…. well, I guess, really, since it’s a half-n-half batch, this is actually the 1st ever completed batch of Thin Mint brownies….  See, brownies are kinda my thing… Every time we have any type of family gathering, it’s always “Hey Rana, can you make brownies?”  And since they’re so easy, I generally don’t mind. But sometimes it gets boring making plain old brownies… And since I just remembered recently that I have Thin Mints still in my freezer (yeah, I forgot about ’em…) I thought it might be fun to see if I could use them in the brownies.  They turned out pretty well!  Not as minty as the Ghiradelli Peppermint Bark brownies I made at Christmas (those ended up being either a “love ’em or hate ’em” kinda thing… most people liked ’em, though!)

So now I’m off to see my friend Ame’s for the 4th, and we’re going to eat hamburgers and stuff with her family! Hope she likes the brownies!

Have a happy and safe 4th of July!


(oh, to make brownies my way, here’s what you do: Buy a package of Betty Crocker’s Special Dark brownie mix and mix per package directions.  Add about a half-bag of milk chocolate chips, and bake at 350 for 25 minutes. For the Thin mint brownies, I broke up about 5-6 cookies for half the brownie batter, poured both halves into the pan, and baked at 350 for about 27 minutes. And always cut your brownies with a plastic knife–they don’t stick!)